
zipr-weld maxThe latest and greatest zig-zag to keep up with what you guys have been inquiring about. “Can you make your evidence tape stickier?” some have asked.

These dog-gone manufacturers of plastics, paper pulp and cardboard containers have opted to go with this cheaper, post-consumer waste craze. Sometimes creating like an oil-slick with getting our Zipr-Weld evidence tape to stick.

Our adhesive chemists listened and answered with the new formula Zipr-WeldMAX. Ultimately creating a bond 2-3 times stronger and more secure than anything on the market. We are immediately switching 100% of our production to the new adhesive formula.

We are that sure of its initial and long-term holding power. We just don’t change adhesive formulas on a whim. It has to be a NOTICEABLE and UNIVERSAL improvement. You will see it in your next shipment of custom (or stock) evidence tape. Specially priced on our website, too. Just enter coupon code LOYAL at checkout.