Equally rugged and effective as the familiar BattleLite™, we now have the multi-faceted Forensic BattleWHITE™.
Featuring a single wavelength of 300 lumens of blinding pure white light with 24 individual LEDs to help with forensic examinations. Especially useful to use as side or oblique lighting. Floods a darkened crime scene like no other regular flashlight.
In the tail cap there’s a powerful magnet that holds it at any angle for hands-free use…or use the pocket clip or the wall holder. Two power settings in case the full power is too bright for your preference. 3-AA battery operated. Included of course.
Sure, you can buy them all day from us for $30 each. Wouldn’t it be better to get one for FREE?
*Limit one per order. One per customer. Value: $30. Must request the free BattleWHITE at time of order placement. Offer may expire at any time, so place your order today!
Well, its now 2024. Quality T-Shirts are expensive, which makes a good one that much more valuable.
DOG-GONE IT! T-Shirts are top-quality, softer than a baby’s b***. Plus its got ours and your favorite slobber producer Tracker right on the front. They’re $20. When placing an order, talk to one of our helpful and knowledgeable customer service reps. You may even get them to toss one in with your order for FREE. (We only ask that you make it worth their while and make it a fairly large order…otherwise, their job might be on the line!)
Work great as recognition gifts to a deserving officer or student!
Exclusive to us, BattleLite’s the best, most versatile, powerful and affordable 465nm forensic light on the planet.
You know…the one with interchangeable heads to switch up the light from UV, 465nm, white and green used to fluoresce or illuminate bodily fluids, bone fragments, trace and other forensic evidence that you may uncover at the crime scene. The same one we developed with US Military Intelligence and sold thousands for Battlefield Forensics?
Been shopping for a good, reliable alternate forensic light source lately? They can get awfully pricey. Some ranging in the thousands of dollars.
Sure, the others may be slick. Some say, “Ours is more powerful!” But how much more powerful? Do they put a number on it? 3% brighter? 5% brighter? And for what price you say?
Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, you won’t go wrong with the BattleLite. GUARANTEED! After looking at what you get for the price, if you don’t agree, send it back and pay nothing. (Operates on easy to find CR-123 batteries.)
When processing for latent prints with fingerprint powder, it has no odor. YOU’RE BREATHING THAT STUFF IN! Hopefully not in the amount to kill you, but still.
Powder In The Ruff™ (sifted, blended and packaged here by the Lynn Peavey Company) is different from all the others. Ours has the distinct smell of cinnamon or vanilla. If you smell something good and it’s not lunch time, you’re breathing it, and you should think of ventilation strategies. Because you’re taking that stuff in! Maybe tighten your mask. Or wear one for starters. Go upwind. Or maybe you are using too much.
So, it is simply a safety issue. It doesn’t cost anything more. And, some very large agencies have tested Powder In The Ruff against the others and found the results to be superior! We must be doing something right!
Nobody wants their fingerprint powder on their backing cards. When Joe Seifferman out of the Buckeye (AZ) Police Department invented this little refillable box, we agreed. Place your latent print backing cards in there, protect your cards from inadvertent powder, and have a fresh clean backer ready for dispensing. Dispenses just like a card dealer. Genius!
Joe said years ago his goal was for us to help him sell 25,000 Backing Bunkers. We thought we’d give his idea a little push to help him see his dream come true. Won’t you help him get there?
They sell for $16.99. Now, buy three, get one FREE.
If they are Lynn Peavey brushes, they are all made right here in Kansas, by us, individually crafted by Team Members that have been here for approaching 30+ years. A purchase from us is helping support US workers.
We know there are several overseas brushes made. Some are pretty decent quality. And they are pretty cheap. They are constantly barraging us with emails, “we make good quality brushes for the fingerprint. We want to cooperate with you.” We’re sure you do. Not gonna happen.
Our brushes are different. They are noticeably better. Not just from a construction and longevity standpoint. We now offer the Smooth™ filament treatment, and the Elite™ waterproofing treatment at no extra cost. The Smooth brush is treated with a chemical process that reduces the friction with the evidence surface by up to 40%. You think we would ever give up the formulas for these two innovations…for any price?
Of course, you can get more details on our website.
A thought from Tom Gier…AI and “Unveiling intra-person fingerprint similarity via deep contrastive learning”
Sounds exciting? This AI publication came out on January 12, 2024. Do not be alarmed, I will not go too deeply into this.
Right off the bat, this was written by group of college students who have zero knowledge of fingerprints made a statement to the effect of, “The claims of no two fingerprints are alike is false.” They refer to a particular pattern type as a “swirl.” Really? Swirl?
The computer-based AI software they were “training” recognized the patterns were “similar.” Let’s keep that word “similar” in mind. The program was able to use algorithms to recognize patterns, like loops for instance, to other loops and that was enough to claim they were similar. AFIS has been around for a very long time and uses algorithms to detect similar pattern types and ridge detail within a known database. It’s up to the Latent Print Examiner to determine if the two prints originated from the same source or not. The AI study suggests if the prints do not match, they could still be a useful tool for investigators to pursue other inked impressions from a particular person, or other people with like fingerprint patterns. I, personally, take issue with that.
In my experience, there were many times I was unable to identify an unknown latent to a known latent. There were times, detectives working on cases would read my reports (keep in mind, our lab served five parishes…y’all call ‘em counties) stating I made comparisons to my list of respondents with no identification. Occasionally I was asked for the list of names associated with said list. I have always considered that to be unethical for me to give out those names and never agreed to their requests. Our AFIS had prints in the database from the entire state and people from other states who had been arrested here. You can see what a can of worms that would open.
The AI study seems willing to use their findings to do just that – give out whatever names looked similar to the unknown print in question.
The study states they used very nice looking, known prints to train the software. They also said they did not use latent due to the minutiae points because: “We believe that this disconnect stems from the fact that minutiae represent the peculiarities of a single fingerprint. ” Well, hello… One of the very premises of fingerprint identification is the uniqueness of each fingerprint.
They were successful at proving fingerprints do have similarities to certain other fingerprints. AI and these students did not prove that no two fingerprints were alike to be false – instead, they just reiterated some fingers can be similar. They reinvented the wheel, so to speak.
Just be aware, my fellow LPEs, this WILL come up in court. It behooves you to get a copy of this report and dissect it. You can mark my words, defense attorneys have already read the article and are preparing to use it against us in court.
But I, for one, am not ready to go down without a fight.
Tom Gier is one of our Forensic Consultants located in Louisiana
A close friend in law enforcement once asked, “Do you meander too, because I do it all the time…every chance I get.”
I thought for a second, and instantly agreed. I crave and need those times when I can escape and get away, from people and everything, especially meetings, cell phones and computers. Work I think you all agree, can be sometimes highly overrated.
Just going through life truly MEANDERING. Taking it all in. Appreciating every little minute detail in complete amazement.
I keep honey bees. Astounding little buggers. I love watching the squirrels scurry and play in the yard (just stay out of my attic please, or they may get shot with my pellet gun.) I love hiking to a mountain top, or high on a ridge…sitting for hours, contemplating, watching the clouds go by…meandering. Sitting, shivering in a frigid snow cave. Meandering. Sailing on the water, taking in all the patterns the wind makes, the dolphins and wildlife. Going nowhere, but finding a little peace from the usual day to day. Meandering.
I am going to change things up…a lot. Meandering has two letters, “me” in it. Definition includes a safe happy place, roaming around alone. I am not judging on solitude. I have done that sometimes to a fault some have said. Obviously, I still do it. I just returned from a solo winter camping trip in the cold snowy mountains of Colorado. I will write about that experience in a later Off the Cuff. (Might even have something on the website on it.)
But what if we change the word to “weandering?”
In my self-written book that remains unwritten, that means inviting someone else to share in that peaceful place. For me, that would take quite a person…but wouldn’t that be cool? Someone who appreciates life and all its wonderment the same way?
Think for a moment about the term, weandering. Have you got someone you can weander with?
If no one comes to mind, have you thought about a dog like Tracker? He’ll go anywhere…any time…with anyone! Just bring a drool-bib.
We got recent request for a large bid from a major department for evidence tape. It specified another brand, and no-substitute. The nerve!!!
Did you think we’d lay back and let it go to a competitor? And us with our new, never been seen before Zipr-WeldMAX product? NO WAY!
Within a few hours of the bid opening, our sales department shipped off a FedX’d sample roll at the agency’s request for final evaluation. It not only met their expected request but EXCEEDED by far their original specifications. We ended up winning the award and shipped the order within a couple of days. Boom (microphone drops.)
Another Zipr-Weld™ True Story…
And specifically, about a competitor of ours. We won’t call them out by name. That’s not right. We have made our share of mistakes ourselves. It happens.
We invented the first “white-stripe” evidence tape for writing your date and initials for improved chain of custody.
There are (possibly thousands) of competing rolls of evidence tape out there with a major flaw. The tape may look like Zipr-Weld or Zipr-WeldMAX, but the white stripe scratches off, even with light scratching…taking with it the ball-point or Sharpie written date and initials.
Can you imagine the hey-day the defense would have? Scratched off chain of custody?
We assure you. That would never happen with a Zipr-Weld product. Never has. All our solvent-based inks stick to the specialized tape film. Permanently. And pass the scratch test. If you aren’t using Zipr-Weld, you may want to test your tape with just a simple swipe of a fingernail. We’ll be glad to print you some good stuff pronto.
And another…
We hide a covert Ultraviolet (UV) hidden certified “born-on” date on every roll of white stripe Zipr-Weld tape. Standard procedure here. Nobody else in the whole world does it. Are we the only ones concerned about a tight chain of custody?
Fresher tape sticks better. Born-on dating is critical.
We’ve got you covered in cardboard! No supply chain excuses here.
Only, “Get your orders in today, because they are tough little critters to keep in stock. ” Why? Because our team of mean bean-counting Accounting personnel haven’t caught on that our prices are too Dog-Gone competitive!
We are for some reason not pulling the trigger on the idea put up by some folks in Louisiana and Georgia. Not usually like us. Reason, they will cost a boat-load to cut and produce. We need some encouragement from the field before we do. Got anything to say on this packaging conundrum? Let us know. Now while you are thinking about it at LPV@peaveycorp.com.
Do you really want your blood pressure to rise significantly? Closing and sealing bags with evidence tape for most people is a major frustrating and time-consuming challenge. Roll-N-Seal is offered at no extra charge, so there is no reason to not make your jobs easier and faster.
The little Roll-N-Seal strips affixed to our Kraft evidence bags make closing and sealing a breeze. The little wire strips allow for the bag opening to stay closed…almost instantly…while you seal the bag with Zipr-Weld (now MAX) evidence tape.
If you have figured out a way to seal bags easily without the Roll-N-Seal feature, let us know! Until then, roll and seal them!
Video on our website and social media.
Criminetly! Send it to us. What are you waiting for?
Waiting for a cool promo item? OK, you twisted our arm. We promise, if you have an idea or tid-bit of information that we can publish to help the masses, we will reciprocate and give you something of value.
Speaking of value, if you have an idea for a new product or an “invention” that you are looking for someone to work with, or brainstorm the idea, contact Doug Peavey. He is of the like-minded crazies who think that anything is possible. Email is doug@peaveycorp.com, direct # is 913-495-6633.