“Dog gone it,” Tracker’s still out and about. Will Doug ever pin him down? Will he ever learn the command, STAY?


Foul play, or just horsing around?

Causes us to get a little teary eyed though just writing this. We have sent out thousands of APB videos, website and social media posts. Lot of tips and leads, still no Tracker.

Follow us to receive the latest 1-2 minute video updates from Doug Peavey. Doug seems to be hanging strong and determined through the search…and has gone to as far away as El Salvador, Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well as across the U.S. looking for him.


Wait a minute, what on Earth is Lynn Peavey Company’s owner doing behind bars? What is going on in that desert? He must still be on the lookout for that slippery dog, Tracker.

Please submit your best guess as to Tracker’s whereabouts by clicking on the link below, we could really use the help! Who knows, you might even get a cool reward…


Where is Tracker?

