Crime Scene Wipes™
No sissy scent here. Just germ fighting ingredients. These wipes are perfect for taking your sanitizer with you on-the-go. Packaged individually, and nitrogen-flushed for added integrity of the components. An excellent choice for general purpose sanitizing or for more high-intensity situations. “Prescription strength,” so don’t use them on your eyes, face or mucous membranes. Another innovation on-the-fly to accommodate the pandemic…and of course USA made. 40 per “pharmacy-type” paper bag. Approximately 3"x6” wipe.
*Made by a laboratory and on custom equipment designed for presumptive, colorimetric explosives tests. Scientific team is nothing short of geniuses. We had been in development, then Corona hit. We made the decision to temporarily repurpose and shift priorities. Definitely…more developments in the days and weeks to follow.
With the current pandemic, these items are not eligible for return.
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